




Storyline's Mission

Joining our neighbors to discover our roles in God's story.




Jesus had three great loves in his life: God, his community of disciples, and his neighbors. He organized his entire life around these relationships. In Storyline, we seek follow the example of Jesus by orienting our lives around the same rhythms of relationship. 


Up - relationship with God

In - relationships with disciples of Jesus

Out - relationships with neighbors





Intimacy with God

Our participation in the life of God as Father (Mother), Son, and Holy Spirit is our foundational practice. Click here to listen to a message about “Intimacy With God.”

Becoming like jesus

We are wounded people who sometimes wound ourselves and others, and by God's grace we are being healed and are learning to live like Jesus would if he were us. Click here to listen to a message about “Becoming Like Jesus.”

We are family

Many of us aren’t related by biology but by spirituality. We know lots of people have crummy experiences with family and so we seek to be a healthy and healing extended family. Click here to listen to a message about “We Are Family.”

Everyone Gets to play

Female and male, poor and rich, young and old, Black, Brown, and White, LGBTQ+ and cisgendered heterosexual — all disciples are members of the "priesthood of all believers." We are a gender-inclusive, queer-affirming, and antiracist community. Click here to listen to a message about “Everyone Gets To Play.”

There's Always Room at the Table

We are hospitable people, welcoming everyone into our community, especially when food is involved! Click here to listen to a message about “There’s Always Room At The Table.”

God is at the margins

God is present with and in our neighbors who are at the margins of power, and when we share life with them, we encounter God, too. Click here to listen to a message about “God Is At The Margins.”

Lightweight and Low Maintenance

We are committed to simplicity and investing most of our resources in people rather than projects or programs. Click here to listen to a message about “Lightweight and Low Maintenance.”